Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Dirty Dozen

Started this blog a week ago...
With class and studies trying to force their way into life, I am thankful for Irish television. Even with only 4 channels, I am fortunate to be graced by a daily presence of The Virginian (a Bonzana like series), and the occasional movie like Wednesday night's showing of The Dirty Dozen.  A 1966 classic featuring Charles Bronzon and Telly Savalas among 10 other army misfits, this film depicts the tale of the group transforming from 12 court marshaled, independent bullies into an orderly unit with a hint of camaraderie and cohesion. That's enough review for an old WWII movie, but I actually did enjoy it and thought just the right amount of cheesy one liners, suspense, action, and all the dramatic themes of hope and brotherhood were portrayed. Plus Lee Marvin was in charge of the squad and he's basically the Chuck Norris of his day (John Wayne doesn't possess the cheesy/low budget aspect that Norris brings).

Anyways, last Tuesday was also my birthday, which was a blast. After a surprisingly interesting lecture about the potato famine in Irish History night class, I went back for a late dinner. Matt had put together homemade pizzas and Allison and Megan came over for apple pie and ice cream. We then met up with the rest of crew and went to a pub with live music (late 90's music is all the rage here).  After that closed at midnight, we went to another pub nearby to finish the night. A great evening of chill times was had by all and 9 am French class wasn't rough the next morning which means thumbs up for 22!

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